Acts 26:19: “Whereupon, O king Agrippa, I was not disobedient unto the heavenly vision"

Acts 15:26: "Men that have hazarded their lives for the name of our Lord Jesus Christ."

Meet The Pastor

Pastor Segun Obatusin is the pioneering Pastor of Mountain of Fire and Miracles Ministries Austin. Pastor Obatusin is a graduate of the prestigious University of Lagos, where he obtained his MBA degree and the University of Phoenix where he obtained his Doctorate degree in 2017. A man of faith and of the word, Pastor Obatusin has been a weapon of war and a royal diadem in the hands of the most-high God from the time when he was called into ministry in May 1993.

Pastor Obatusin has been involved in many ministerial works including church planting, mission outreach, campus fellowship, and youth empowerment. Pastor Obatusin was the pioneer and the National Coordinator of the Mountain of Fire and Miracles Ministries (MFM) Campus fellowship. Today, the MFM Campus Fellowship has produced many ministers and Pastors who are serving the Lord in various department of the ministry.

Pastor Obatusin and his lovely wife, Modupe Obatusin delight in empowering people to rise above their roots and serve Jesus with integrity. They believe strongly in a multi-ethnic, multi-generational, and multi-cultural church.

Pastor Obatusin and his wife are blessed with three children

From The Pastor's Desk


Hypocrites! Well did Isaiah prophesy about you, saying: ‘These people draw near to me with their mouth, and honor Me with their lips, but their heart is far from Me. 9 and in vain they worship Me, Teaching as doctrines the commandments of men.’ ”Mathew 15: 7-9

Alvin Toffler, in his book, Power shift: Knowledge, Wealth, and Power at the Edge of the 21st Century wrote, “The illiterate of the 21st Century are not those who cannot read and write but those who cannot learn, unlearn and relearn.”

Alvin’s definition of an illiterate seems very different from the norm, after all we know or rather have been taught to believe that an illiterate is one who is uneducated or untrained, one who cannot read and write. Alvin Toffler reference to a time frame – the 21st century in his definition stimulates the need to examine his definition. The 21st century is considered an information or knowledge age, an age where everyone is expected to be able to read and write, so it’s expected that those who cannot read or write will be nonexistent. In other words, there will be a new definition of an illiterate in the 21st century. Those to be considered illiterates will be those who holds on to what they already know (tradition) and are unwilling to let go what they had knew in the past (unlearn) in other to learn new things or challenge some of those things that they had knew or learnt (relearn).

Meet The Pastor

Pastor Segun Obatusin is the pioneering Pastor of Mountain of Fire and Miracles Ministries Austin. Pastor Obatusin is a graduate of the prestigious University of Lagos, where he obtained his MBA degree and the University of Phoenix where he obtained his Doctorate degree in 2017. A man of faith and of the word, Pastor Obatusin has been a weapon of war and a royal diadem in the hands of the most-high God from the time when he was called into ministry in May 1993.

Pastor Obatusin has been involved in many ministerial works including church planting, mission outreach, campus fellowship, and youth empowerment. Pastor Obatusin was the pioneer and the National Coordinator of the Mountain of Fire and Miracles Ministries (MFM) Campus fellowship. Today, the MFM Campus Fellowship has produced many ministers and Pastors who are serving the Lord in various department of the ministry.

Pastor Obatusin and his lovely wife, Modupe Obatusin delight in empowering people to rise above their roots and serve Jesus with integrity. They believe strongly in a multi-ethnic, multi-generational, and multi-cultural church.

Pastor Obatusin and his wife are blessed with three children

Meet The Pastor

Pastor Segun Obatusin is the pioneering Pastor of Mountain of Fire and Miracles Ministries Austin. Pastor Obatusin is a graduate of the prestigious University of Lagos, where he obtained his MBA degree and the University of Phoenix where he obtained his Doctorate degree in 2017. A man of faith and of the word, Pastor Obatusin has been a weapon of war and a royal diadem in the hands of the most-high God from the time when he was called into ministry in May 1993.

Pastor Obatusin has been involved in many ministerial works including church planting, mission outreach, campus fellowship, and youth empowerment. Pastor Obatusin was the pioneer and the National Coordinator of the Mountain of Fire and Miracles Ministries (MFM) Campus fellowship. Today, the MFM Campus Fellowship has produced many ministers and Pastors who are serving the Lord in various department of the ministry.

Pastor Obatusin and his lovely wife, Modupe Obatusin delight in empowering people to rise above their roots and serve Jesus with integrity. They believe strongly in a multi-ethnic, multi-generational, and multi-cultural church.

Pastor Obatusin and his wife are blessed with three children